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YouTube New Monitization Update Message For All YouTubers

No Ads till 4000 hours watch time & 1000 subscribers😭😭😭

"The challenges we faced in 2017 have helped us create tough but valuable changes in 2018."
Channels at YouTube will compulsion to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time within the postscript year to be eligible for ads, according to Muret.

Previously, channels could be eligible for ads as portion of a YouTube Partner Program by racking taking place 10,000 views or more.
"We nonattendance to take on channel size, audience union, and creator actions into consideration to determine eligibility for ads," Muret said.
YouTube will to the side of watch for spam, abuse flags and auxiliary signals to make loud channels are enduring within the Google-owned video-sharing platforms policies around content, according to the post.
Muret said that manual reviews of video will be option to a Google Preferred system that brands use to area ads to the lead popular YouTube content to enlarged vet videos.

YouTube is plus providing advertisers simpler controls vis--vis where ads appear and transparency including safety checks by outdoor parties, according to Muret.

The changes were respected to be supple "a significant number" of YouTube channels eligible to counsel ads.
YouTube late last year pulled 150,000 videos of children after lewd explanation not quite them were posted by spectators and went public subsequent to a vow to greatly adding occurring the ranks of workers focused re rooting out content violating its policies.

The moves came as YouTube strived to assure companies their ads would not appear with repulsive or inappropriate videos.
"We are rest approximately protecting our users, advertisers and creators and making certain YouTube is not a place that can be co-opted by bad actors," Muret said.
"While we took several steps last year to guard advertisers from inappropriate content, we know we compulsion to show more to ensure that their ads run after that to content that reflects their values."

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Information Collect From : YouTube Creator Blog..Click Here

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